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PERTH METRO - From $9.95
Personal/Bulk (NO PO BOXES)- $9.95:
Shipped personally by me. All orders will be left if unattended but you can specify a safe location for items to be left if the property is unattended. No weight limits. (approx 1-3 business days)
Outer Metro (NO PO BOXES) - $9.95:
For the majority of orders in both the Far South/East & Far North/East regions in Perth, deliveries will be either on a Thursday or Friday (alternates week to week). Please enquire what day your delivery will fall on and if you are in either of these areas.
Far North/East - Yanchep, Alkimos, Eglinton, Bullsbrook, Lower Chittering, Morangup, Helena Valley, Mt Helena, Mundaring, Neerabup, Nowergup, Gidgegannup, Sawyers Valley, Stoneville, Parkerville
Far South/East - Wellard, Naval Base, Wattleup, Aubin Grove, Hope Valley, Postans, Orelia, Medina, Kwinana, Parmelia, Bertram, Leda, Kwinana Beach, East Rockingham, Rockingham, Shoalwater, Safety Bay, Cooloongup, Hillman, Waikiki, Baldivis, Warner, Pt Kennedy, Secret Harbour, Karnup, Golden Bay, Singleton, Lakelands, Madora Bay, Meadow Springs, Silver Sands, Stake Hill, Barragup, Greenfields, Mandurah, Halls Head, Falcon, Wannanup, Erskine, Dudley Park, Coodanup, Furnissdale, North Yunderup, South Yunderup, Ravenswood, Pinjarra, Fairbridge, North Dandalup, Nambeelup, Keysbrook, Hopeland, Serpentine, Jarrahdale, Mardella, Mundijong, Oldbury, Whitby, Cardup, Byford, Oakford, Wandi, Darling Downs, Hilbert, Haynes, Brookdale, Wungong, Mount Richon, Armadale, Seville Grove, Camillo, Kelmscott, Mount Nasura, Bedfordale, Roleystone, Karragullen, Canning Mills, Pickering Brook, Carmel.
Delivery timeframes given are estimated and are only to be used as a guide.